Commercial Carpet Cleaning in Crotona Park, New York

Great, successful businesses begin with a clean, healthy work environment. A tidy office keeps you feeling uplifted, increasing energy levels and productivity. Carpel Cleaning Corp of Crotona Park, New York has been the leader in providing healthy work environments by providing commercial carpet cleaning services since 1990.


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(917) 383-2603


Commercial Carpet Cleaning in Crotona Park, New YorkCommercial Carpet Cleaning in Crotona Park by Carpel Cleaning Corp

We specialize in deodorizing, and disinfecting any, and all carpets. With the amount of traffic a business place encounters each day, think about the amount of dirt, pollutants, bacteria, and allergens a carpet must accumulate. Over time, all of these factors can lead to many health problems, affecting the staff and productivity. Why wait for the harmful effects to show when you can have Carpel Cleaning Corp remove all those pollutants, bacteria, and allergens.


Why Call Carpel Cleaning Corp for Your Crotona Park Commercial Carpet Cleaning?

  • Our friendly, skilled staff is trained and well equipped to clean carpets at any major facility........stores, schools, churches, medical facilities, offices, nursing homes, daycare centers, etc.
  • We provide flexible scheduling, whether you need a one time job done, bi-weekly, weekly, monthly, you name it, we'll do it.
  • Our rates are the most competitive you'll find in Crotona Park, NY, for the quality of service and product.

For fast, reliable, affordable commercial carpet cleaning services in your Crotona Park, New York facility, call (917) 383-2603.

Call for FREE Commercial Carpet Cleaning Quote

(917) 383-2603


  • 5★★★★★ - "I switched to Carpel about 6 years ago and they just keep getting better! Great company with great management and ownership."

    in Manhattan, NY

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