High Dusting in Williamsbridge, New York

Have you noticed an excess of dust and dirt collecting on the ceilings, vents, pipes, and fans of your business? If so, Carpel Cleaning Corp can help with our professional high dusting services. Periodic cleaning of these hard to reach areas are necessary in order to maintain a high level of indoor air quality. Carpel Cleaning Corp has provided expert high dusting services for commercial buildings since 1990. Call now to learn more and get a fast quote.


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(917) 383-2603


High Dusting by Carpel Cleaning CorpWhat is High Dusting?

High dusting is the process of cleaning the buildup of dust and dirt from hard to reach areas like ceilings, vents, pipes, and fans. Typically, areas higher than 12 feet above the floor are considered for high-dusting. Carpel Cleaning Corp offers high dusting in Williamsbridge for several commercial properties including:

  • Auto Dealerships
  • Churches
  • Food Processing Plants
  • Gyms & Fitness Centers
  • Office Buildings
  • Restaurants
  • Warehouses


The Importance of High Dusting

High dusting should be a part of any commercial cleaning schedule as it is an important step in keeping your business as clean as possible. If high dusting is not included in your regular cleanings, you risk having an excess of dust and dirt built up and contaminants in the air. Not to worry, the experts at Carpel Cleaning Corp will ensure that your business receives a comprehensive cleaning, from top to bottom.


Carpel Cleaning Corp’s Williamsbridge High Dusting Services

Over time, Carpel Cleaning Corp has learned the best method for high dusting, throughout our years of experience and knowledge in the field. In order to properly remove the debris, Carpel Cleaning Corp uses a vacuum cleaner with a HEPA filter. With this method, we can ensure that the particles are not released back into the air. Other companies may use a blower to remove the dust, but it is not the most effective method. The downside of using that method is that the air can become saturated with dirt particles and will re-settle in the future. Call now to learn more about how you can benefit from our high dusting services in Williamsbridge, New York.

Call for FREE High Dusting Quote

(917) 383-2603


  • 5★★★★★ - "I switched to Carpel about 6 years ago and they just keep getting better! Great company with great management and ownership."

    in Manhattan, NY

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