Office Cleaning in Claremont Village, New York

Are you looking for a trustworthy company to clean your Claremont Village, New York office? Look no further! Carpel Cleaning Corp provides professional office cleaners Claremont Village businesses can trust for dependable, quality service delivery 


Call for a Quote!

(917) 383-2603


Office Cleaning by Carpel Cleaning CorpCarpel Cleaning Corp's Office Cleaning in Claremont Village

Whether you’re looking for weekly, monthly or occasional office cleaning, Carpel Cleaning Corp will get the job done right! We’ve been keeping Claremont Village offices clean for over 35 years. If you're planning a company celebration or open house, call (917) 383-2603 to enlist Carpel Cleaning Corp's before and after event cleaning services as well.


Full Spectrum of Office Cleaning in Claremont Village

Carpel Cleaning Corp is your one-stop source for office cleaning services in Claremont Village. We can handle your routine cleaning services, corporate event cleanings, and floor cleaning and maintenance. Extend the life span of your carpeting and hard surface floors with a regularly scheduled maintenance program. Give us a call at (917) 383-2603 to set up a free, in house consultation. 


Customized Claremont Village Office Cleaning Programs

When you call Carpel Cleaning Corp to handle all of your Claremont Village office cleaning needs, we'll set you up with a customized cleaning and building maintenance program that suits your needs and budget. We provide the following office cleaning scheduling,

  • Daily Cleaning
  • Porter Services
  • Weekly, Biweekly and Monthly Cleaning
  • Pre- and Post Event Cleaning
  • Floor Maintenance
  • Specialty Cleaning
  • Scheduling and more! Call Carpel Cleaning Corp at (917) 383-2603 for a consultation

Call for FREE Office Cleaning Quote

(917) 383-2603


  • 5★★★★★ - "I switched to Carpel about 6 years ago and they just keep getting better! Great company with great management and ownership."

    in Manhattan, NY

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